my CV

I was born in 1971 in Hungary, Europe.

Between 1985-1988 I studied in Moscow and at the same time in a Hungarian and in a Russian high school, then I promoted my exams.

Going back to Hungary, I studied as a private student in the Korosi Csoma bilingual Gymnasium and at the same time at a motor-vehicle technician vocational training.

In 1991 I joined the Hungarian Army for 1 year as a driver

From 1992 I was a student of the Tan Kapuja (Dharma Gate)  Buddhist College where I studied philosophy, esthetics, philosophy of religiom, cultural anthropology and other interesting subjects with my great teachers.

I had a one year break while I travelled to India and Nepal. After writting my thesis I got my degree.

In 2002-2003 I studied Commercial and Marketing Manager and got my diploma.

After these I became the sudent of the life’s school which meant travelling, bloging and taking photos. I wrote books, articles and some of my pictures were published in foreign countries.

Hobby carrier

I started working as an independet radioman at the once legendary FIKSZ  Radio with my own programme entitled  “On the East-side the tranquility is unchanged” (Keleten a nyugalom változatlan) inviting different and interesting people for one-two hours of talk. Philosophers, musicians, artists, teachers, doctors, psychologists and others. For a short time I helped with my work the Tilos Radio`s programme about Tibet. Later I was the guest of Radio Q, Civil, Tilos, Klub, jazzy, Lanchíd and Fuzio radios where I talked about my travels, festivals i organize and about the world  avvording my point of view and shared my thoughts with a public.

And of course, when I was young I organized exhibitions, I helped in the organization of college events and later I made projections of my travels.

From 1993 I started my activity at,,  – in the beginning an NGO – and since then I organized numerous events. I tried propagating the Hungarian culture organizing clubs, teaching of cooking or simple walks in the city.

I was a volunteer in Calcutta in the hospitals of Mother Teresa, but I also teached for a short time English in Asian and African schools and helped with my advices many NGOs.

I teaches English in Pakistan in an Afghan refugee camp which was very interesting, and took interviews in the world´s largest refugee camp in Kenya.

Couple of years ago I started writting and guiding tours for Eupolisz Outdoor travel bureau, 1000 way travel agency and if I had a group at the moment I guided immediately or organised myself one.

Journalism: I came up in different media, I write for newspapers, journals, I have public events about my travels. See the links on my webpage.

I liked organizing previously exhibitions and now festivals. For example in 2014  I organized all by myself the Járatlan utakon Festival (Road less traveled Festival), the only backpacker festival in Hungary. More than 21 performes were invited and 400 people participated. This kind of event was the first in Hungary and thanks to its succes in April 2015 in continued with 600 participants and be continued.

Soon we will start an organization (NGO) which wants to promote and represent alternative lifestyles, envinromental and health consciousness and sustainability.  We cooperate with other organizations, keep presentations about a sustainable life, planet and for better future.


  1. Kedves Vándorboy!
    Kedden részt vettem az Eupolisz vetítésén, s igazán jó emlékekkel tértem haza.Meg kell mondanom,hogy a te előadásod sokkal jobb volt mint Eszteré. A vetítés után még én is ott maradtam egy darabig, s hallottam,hogy szívesen elmennél Jemenbe,de túl veszélyesnek találod. Én éppen két éve voltam Jemenben a négy gyerekemmel 3 hétig, majd utána 3 barátommal még 2 hetet töltöttem Socotrán. Igazán jó út volt ez a kirándulás, s el sem raboltak minket.
    Most Kambodzsába készülünk a téli szünet idejére. Tudsz esetleg valami jó ötletet adni,mit nézzünk meg, merre menjünk, mi a legolcsóbb megoldás? Nagyon örülnék néhány jó tanácsnak,gondolom ennek Te nem álsz szűkében.Előre is köszönöm válaszodat, s küldök néhány fényképet.
    Üdvözletel:Pálfi Péter

    1. Szia Péter
      magánlevélben elküldöm.. de most éppen lakásfelújítok
      Ha esetleg szeretnél eljönni Omán vetítésemre, ott lesz időm beszélgetni. -on vannak infók, hogy hol lesz.

  2. Szia! Szeretném kérdezni, Abu Dhabiba utazom tiz napra. Tudnál ajánlani, hogy mit érdemes ott megnézni??? Kirándulni…. Dubaiban már kipipálva, itt vagy a környékén, ami egy nap alatt bejárható. Az általános javaslatokat könyvekben megnéztem már, de az csak a Nagy mecsetet javasolják, és egy szuper szállodát. Na ezen kivül tényleg semmi??? Köszönöm…

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