Aktuális programok

okt. 17. Dead can Dance koncert re megyek..

nov 6. vetítés Grúziáról  Alexandra könyváruház

nov 7. vetítés Közép Ázsiáról



chestnut party



szerdán, globetrottel meeting sept 26

sept 28 bike tour by night






just arrived back home from my long 9 years journey, travelled across the globe, visited more then 126 countries. Im happy to share my travel experiences again in Budapest.

If you have any questions about: how to travel in different way, how to hitchhike, how to do long time traveling, how to survive what was my observation and why?
Or if you need some advice about sites, cultures, how to adopt or solve conflicts, how to participate in different c.s. communities, how to plan your trip, how to find travel companion, etc., lets come and ask me or share your wisdome with others.

I will host the event in my home, in the center near to Astoria or Kalvin sq. metro. Ad. – Szentkiralyi str. 6 2nd floor, buzz 27.
Bring drinks or snacks, so we will have a picnic dinner here.

sign up
Please login to CS and join this Meeting Display. These are its advantages:
→ You’ll be able to receive updates prior to the event, and exit-messages (with photos) afterwards
→ Members who offer/require a couch can contact eachother before the event
→ Afterwards you’ll be able to find the profiles of members you met

Thanks for coming
Gabor Csonka, in c.s. vandorboy, the Hungarian global nomad
0670 201 3624, vandorboy.com



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