
Vandorboy (who?)  I mean Me.. will state this blog.. interesting… Anyway, where do I have to start ..?  (oh google translator.. not the best though)

West Bank –  from the standpoint of Jordan – Israel’s call as disputed area,
Palestinian occupied territories, Yesh (Yuden-Samaria-Gaza) in the
readings of histor. West Bank from the side of geography, the Holy Land from the point of Christianity.. or Islam..  but: Officialy Israel.  But maybe not. Hm,who knows? It is complex issue. My  story will continuing.. 
Excursions Golan Mountains ( Syria terriarea occupied) 25
unknown a friend about this sabotage, which tend to stroll picknik called Scramble
I saw a snowy mountain, which is not in the associalnank kozelkeleten .. you
That’s not a mystical stroll through the water …
Golan Heights, which Israel
occupied in 1967, and since that time is dominated by the well aknamezoket
left, so if you want to book back to Syria, then a little
ut face a more exciting then. Pack of jackals at night (or what)
shouted the tents along, my san song immediately entered the tent.
Rom next day viewed a synagogue, the oldest fenmaradt what
made from pieces together. Many streams and spring is green but the bare
grassy plain .. population is almost nothing. Only the fences and the
aknamezore warning signs. I saw stonhenge simple
buildings, ancient village of residues, fox, swamp, snowy mountain.
From the West Bank (Palestine) took half of my journey, but the 66-inch main road
(Road 66) checkpointnal jammed. Elesitett gepfegyverek in
around .. I have a small panic at the thought of explosions hatizsakommal … ..
betonfedezek sides even if you are behind. Funny. Classical
movie scenes .. I’m not found what you are talking in Hebrew .. Do not come
closer .. put the package away, turn around, land, etc. Then …
calmed down, and said that the crossing is closed, opens tomorrow 8kor.
The Crossing
Six of the near-field spent the night .. it does not wake up in the morning
geppisztolyosok already surrounded. Again, my package szetturjak, up
hours of their passports checked. They go to. Packing up for this with another
hadijarmu it all again gepfegyveresek surrounded tours,
utlevelellenorzes … I try to say that it is already 5 minutes ago
vegigjatszottuk, call them … to speed up the story.
No. Blocked again for 45 minutes. It turns out after a while the soldiers
they speak Russian, questioned .. then I say, just feel that this crossing
Freight traffic has to go mashova. In the end they processzus
vadkortet and yogurt. (That is to post something positive). But
18 km away I just feel out from Jenin, .. where they do not want foreigners, because it
was one of the centers of Palestinian resistance, many battles .. com .. tears and
Stop, of course, takes up an Arab who is enthusiastic and a 40-km away
atkelohoz take you that way – free of charge. People come at you, Hurra –
I think it is too early … sorry. Koran -. I walk in the grid itself,
stopped, the observed magasbol gepfegyver ram, package it, comes
Vladimir, dark sunglasses (in order to obscure the piercing) ..
examine utlevelemet .., fagot, why, where, whom I know so. –
I travel, Christian sites, I wonder how they live and think
here in the west bank of the people. Hoool? He asked .. because this is not it
officially in Israel (in annexation) areas … Then diversionary question ..
sweaters are from what is written on what it means .. etc. .. then again …
I already asked the same question .. I say the same … then garbles
words that you first master said .. I speak, I am told that it is not ..
finally no more complete examination of a kvalifikalodtam forgoracson …
on .. crows .. bzzz .. vasajton at .. crows .. over my head
gunmen .. Not far from me you do a four armed Arabs. Clean
wine mood. Go to another vasajton .. closes .. can then
another .. atvilagoitoba Verge of blood vessels. 14 again and my package of view
screened again, and then a bekuldenek testszkennerbe, 3 times 3
position .. Israel and Palestine, you may want to get lost tiles
robbanoanyagot in my stomach … (of course they need a lead time of
interrogation ..). Of course, they speak little English here .. but
get along. Well then again, I go 3 vasajton at the last cabin
like a submarine, hermetically closing door hit them on …
smasszer .. mesztelenre strip, my ass is bene out (the skenneles
completion), then he comes in packs of szetpakolasa .. finely .. Then, based on the principle
hatizsakjaimat, DVDs, fenykepezoimet, my hard disk, and the
reorganization of my songs. An option is also there that I could participate in the
fotonezegetesen documentumaim the reading. Hermetically Door
lock, it is always naked, get dressed, I’m waiting .. Commissioner for an hour …
undergone some interesting things. Then come back and say that here
are the stuff packs are not to go to Palestine. I ask why?
And she says that I received my visa does not cover this
area! So why not say at the beginning, a lot of time and
trouble of having a job is suitable. I was a little nervous because we have 5
was robbed of my watch, vegzalnak, but obviously in the photo, my films are dangerous
a dictatorship. Thus, the visa thing I found out, because you do not
I heard a pretext to expel those who utazorol. I ask
viewed in this drivomat, my photos? No. What other army in the meantime
my camera is always looking at the photos. Oh well. (And otherwise there is a
movie-why Israel is being referred? – Now I can can add something.
I ask, Why did she take away my song of the reorganization, when he 5szor
screening on? No response. Well, at least not with me shouting, and not
they hit. This is something.
Now, this may be difficult for Israel to leave (ie to cross from Israel
Israel ..), that the presumption of innocence .. Human Rights .. and en
I’m an alien … theoretically neutral. How can the local
residents? You who are so eve eluldoztek 50-40.
So copying a package with, walked out of prison, back to Israel.
Stop, take on a battery-powered guy, you know lehangoltsagomat, he refers the
procedures, and him a hundred times easier. Then one of the main road
szelsobalos guy picks up an absolute peaceful co-existence with each other
bekekotes committed, equal rights and human banasmoddal.
Of course, this opinion does not say yes to other Israeli
allampolgaroknak, because he looked on askance. I say – the same
Why should I back area? A few years ago have started to build the
apartheid wall, which, moreover, is not built along the green line (UN
border of the decision), but farther, no to the Palestinian Territories
65% of all under his control, most of the Arabs in the
roads or hasznalhatjak (CSK Jewish settlers) and the fold on their cut
the Arab olive trees .. Israel and the law (be it
use) If an area is not cultivated for 3 years, the
for occupancy. (See attachments) So you can not go there as Arabic, or
no money, so the settlers ‘right’ and state (armed)
support local areas in the occupied araboktol. When they get to
do try to be there, the settlers beat them, or
shooting at them .. yeah, because they are entitled to hold weapons. The
Israel’s vehicles hilltop property, military bases in corridors, and when
go away from it all the settlers left .. The established
infrastructure, together with barbed wire. It is now 450 thousand people in the
occupied territories, which is otherwise the charter of the UN in Geneva
Statutes – 49.cikkeje – that area occupied elepiteni own
population are prohibited. And the U.S. veto protecting Israel from international quux
SHALL. The circle closed .. remenytelen situation.
Israeli military service, three year, two years for women – if you do not
served, they sure do not get a job or major public
companies. Quasi if not hazafista then megbizhatatlan pacifist.But back to the present, a 100km rides will take you to Jerusalem again
is a bit difficult to find out where to find buses
into Ramallah, Bethlehem will remain so .. Minibus (Arabic bus – vices, but
Is that called apartheid feeling again. The six-eight meter high price
concrete wall, ortornyok, Anyway departure prison of peoples. Rotating grid,
armed, passport exhibits int, I will continue and there. Hm, this is a simple
was! Well yes, you go to tourist groups at avallasos also be identified
Sulphone known place of Jesus, the man is less blamaljak. Hurra! The
Graffiti Artist walls adorned figure, which cast doubt on the wall and
akkupacio the inquiry. Berlin wall, the secondBethlehem – stop in the downtown, to me is my package? Police
there is the main square .. I ask .. do here in the corner – he says bad
angolsaggal with great kindness. Israel is suspicious of the period of six
hatizsak, deposited at a crime … How much lighter are
all are nice people, shopkeepers give it free of it, invite
falafelre or tea, are interested in the market each other based on alkudnak
vendors, should I buy from us (really cheap !!!), everyone asks where
I sleep, and after an hour walk three people asked me himself to sleep. Finally
a smashed – Your product sealed eyed young man, Christian
family, big house .. hairdresser, I think gay, kind man, fond of
foreigners. Lakas 60 Devices such as names, pictures, old furniture,
drinks, time has stopped feeling. And silence. Grandma snuff SG
Tour again next day, mandatory practices, churches, downtown, etc. ..
Parents known church .. amine again shared by other religions .. mass
There are Italian, Polish, Spanish, Slovak, Korean .. funny.
Standing in line to kiss a 16-angled star where Jesus
was born (probably) .. Everything here seems a bit nagyuzeminek .. not
give birth to such a place )
There are a bunch of churches in the area, next to mosque .. and the main
It is interesting that in this day an official holiday on Friday and
market day. Jo what? Kilobbiztak Christians .. sure after that
Islam militants at the temple pulled themselves up in Israel
tamodokkal against the intifada period. To this day passes
portyazni the soldiers at night, people are arrested every day. If
someone peaceful demonstrations or protests of the apartheid wall
against civil movement, or whatever is connected .. and it’s all
predestined them to not latogathassak to their home or the sacred
helyukkent treated Jerusalem. (Which according to international conventions
should be divided, but is not it written by the victor in history
to draw on the boundaries. Very few people get permission, and then
CSK is a long journey or go into vekzalas. It is the Christians
complicated, because it is also suspicious if someone here was born.Well stop – half of Nablus. Immediately stop, even a woman, then a
small van, then a larger csomopont (checkpoint) – where
kills Israelis in Hebrew, the Jewish people to transfer from car engineering tools
for this area (Palestine) is prohibited. Elsewhere it is stated that
Israeli allampolgaroknak forbidden to enter the territory of Israel
law. In order to avoid trouble – he adds.
Compared to this area of ​​the mosque in Jerusalem (East Jerusalem – which is not
Jewish area, in principle, at least it’s no respect for the holy place
neighbors) par orthodox military escort went. Register
provocation, which the Arabs bite, and immediately protest
arrests .. blacklist .. Just as the early Zionists said now …
Summarise in your area, it will be problematic later. They could cause
you did not report the true power of Internet.
Finally, a freight car brought back up north, not at the main road,
because there is a lot of the checkpoint .. zotyogosebb so, but faster. Mostly
dry, mountainous kosivatag .. but the agricultural valleys is activated,
foliasatrak etc. ..
Then I arrived in Nablus.
North trade center, growing population, as in the villages
impossible to exist, and more and more people migrate to the Palestinian
igazgatasu ‘A’ category into the city. Centre rushing rotation, at
very nice people, an uncle lefotozom .. he begins to tell the
Islam, a young guy comes to pay. Evening hosts sick, so
service to another, this meet c.s. member who works in the same,
can not answer, but ran into a familiar street, who gave
Voluntary NGO policy number one, who has agreed to be there for them. So
became a hotel. But that is bezaruljon, conflict with the town,
section, we meet a guy who is my uncle when I Reverse
Islam spoke, he reveals that he also knows whom instillation
we are going. Small world again.

The center where I live and Dar – women and young people deal
mestersegekre teaches them to engage in the prevention of youth in the village.
Voluntary work abroad a lot with them habitable for them. Very enthusiastic
team, many of them had this SG, liked the place, people,
trying to help, so stayed here. Of course, this is the product of cubes, but
obviously no one in Israel can not tell at a price that the oppressed
want to help you. South American Footballer of the most blatant of a guy who
expired passport in the meantime … but it must be new, to Israel
should go in order to leave the area to be a passport, the
is expired .. So he remained for many years … Ebony free time playing soccer
teaches the children. And now one of the best palestine
focicsapatat alitotta elo. At least one area where there is moving forward.

Next day I went to college, where pr. I talked to the director (s
donated by interview), who are there to help local young people
foreign students overhead, which is not so easy in a country
where there is no airport, and the neighboring country (Israel) can not be accessed.
But you do not post in Palestine !!!!!! Blocked all. . Water, electricity,
is under the control of trafficking in controlled and there is no industry,
Overpopulation may have trouble … .. in the case. The apartheid wall.
It enklavesitottak the occupied territories is the Israelis, so
there is virtually no area associated with the Arabs of hands, every
strategiaipont road under the control of the Israelis. Bortonorszag.
Spoken 1948as the war, where 13 thousand (three thousand Jordanian-trained
soldiers, or 10 thousand others from Arab countries arrived) enthusiastic
fighters were confronted with 35 well equipped and supported thousands of Israeli
against the army. (Compared to 25 thousand people here by the Arabs 120
against Jewish thousands). Do not be too surprised the Arab Zakon
(Failures), but in Israel Since then expand .. More and more busy
areas in his own account, the United Nations support. In fact the United Nations
spite of the call. (Http://
1947_UN_Partition_Plan) compared to this very much outgrown their customized
The University of busy life, plenty of CSH are women, but many of the ‘be-
burkaaljaak ‘themselves (but CSK head scarf, tight trousers and
upper body), but it’s the former rather Familyday constraints. But everyone
enthusiastic and want to talk to me, surprisingly knowledgeable in the affairs of this world
regards, and goes so quickly in the sun.
Register lefoszlott posters in the streets, armed youth, martyr
During the last war, who died or were incarcerated
Until now. Later there will be streets named after them, I think.
I went to a nearby village, where will the new manufactory szappankeszito
local people (EU funds, of course), and under discussion with napolyiert
weedy uditoert missed someone. Where is the regiment tea, cheese
combination?? Oh, and teach the local dollar 20 oraberert work.
Really not bad. But to come from Europe Voluntary. Yes,
ingyert work that is well-seek with the locals. But what about our little
Hungarian videkunkkel? Ciganyainkkal? The EU is here to onthetne money.
Really, this is why it is good for Europe? Why not leave a kirobbanni
hellyzetet. Why do not the Arab world supports them?? Really
I ask. There is also ketszinuskodes. Bujtogatjak them, but help me
they do not want. Mask mosques sponsored by Iran may
weapons provide. Magy Aran trouble they want, not a solution. Brrr.

I visited refugee par, which looks like any part of
the city, concrete houses, boltocskak, wall posters on the walls
graffiti, which welcomed the prison visszateroket. Somehow I do not
imagined as such a camp. The interesting is that the refugees
(From 40-50 years ago people who live here) do not really blend with the
locals, who is watching them down a bit, this will also work
find a 70% unemployment rate. Because you do not really have in the region
industry, they do not even know what Palestine. Gateways to work
Israel and the Arab countries into, who can mar. (because Saud
Arabia, Libya expelled them when an
Convention was concluded due to mixing), but the international segelyekbol is well-
can be given as soon as I can see their children eat a frost .. which is my
Easy World my dear. Well it took them to the United Nations in the area ..
I think the houses in odaepitettek. Then a couple of times, the Israelis
lebuldozereztek during the intifada, then re-built (think
penzekbol international). But despite this, the U.S. segelyprogramjainak
Israel is a third – I think defense techniques. Theology v
technology. Who wins??

Oh, the irony economy that is cementgyartas, and from there take the
cement for the construction of the Israeli apartheid wall. Nice huh? It is also
duty to pay taxes on it, which, of course, against
finance the war.
If you have a site you really want to create refugees, it is not
be permitted, while the newly Got Russian etc settlers and
can be built without any consequences. State support. So this is a pol.
But this Israeli Arab areas also apply .. move into
kiebrudalt the Arab house, and such. who are the second live upstairs, they
can not enter, so do not hasznalhatjak the stairs! This is because Arab
not confronted here (verteek enough already), built an external
stairs! The case was closed down it would be if you do not come with authority, and not
tear down a building permit to be saying. Recourse to the beat Paar,
but not received. He should go home to, can re-build. Again
destroy! Finally, a Columbus lawyer to find eggs, saying,
confessed to build a stairway on wheels, so it is not a part of the house, so
no permit is required.
Or the settlers in the neighboring Arab CSK demolished house walls, the Arab
boltjabol kidobalnak everything, closed the door, and already more
became their home. Or set fire to the houses of the Arabs, all in the
settlers asszisztenciaval police do in a foreign country, because
fellepnenek if the Arabs against them, the military showdown in the
bentlakokkal. Maybe this is state terrorism?
But before 2007 was completely hetkoznapi to the ledozeroljak
Palestinians’ houses, if they decide not to compensate them. The
formalya is more militant settlers who throw stones and bottles
the surrounding Palestinian children, and as weapons can and have
being used by them – no way to intimidation. (Of course, this is not
in the bbc news – I have records) And the army of
aggressors are protected, so it does not szamolhatnak them. The 150 thousand
Hebron settler holds 455 ‘dread live’. 94 in, 29 people killed
a settler, what you are entered into a mosque. What is terrorism? And the
terrorist? And who is to punch it out? And after the felhordulest
military pursuit blood, curfew, which is Arabic for CSK
covers, street etc. you can use SG Jews. 191checkpoints
in this area, which render sealed at home so they can not
reach the public. (To whose? Who knows). And all of the apartheid wall

The Arab was a compilation of aljazeera tv news that the
Israeli court how two-faced (double standard), that if followed by Arabic
Israeli crimes against you, you immediately Strongly condemns (even if
no evidence) if it the same one Israeli Arabs against
it lies in the way and forgotten .. etc. acquitted. (OOK the
lines were murder cases, and mostly policemen tulkapasairol
was Sat) such things can also facing the people living here (and traveling).
Yeah they are Israeli public places where Israeli Arabs can not go
(Very formal), because the police will remove them.
And these are not Israeli citizens can (and do not even want to think about
most part)..

But what are the Palestinians? (Because they are told to others in Amman,
colder anyagiasabbak). Everyone here is friendly, welcoming,
curious, helpful, hospitable, sometimes a photo-sensitive women.
The phone is dominated their lives, no more conversation sentences
continued without any interaction with others (be named sms, etc.) should not be
while (figyelemhiany), do not trust each other Recommended in the sky unit
certainly not able to create. (This history is also true).
And this is one root of the problem today, that if we had wanted them to
country will agree on the line, you could do a single
represent the Palestinians. (Right now the Hamas-Fatah conflict), but
However, the Israelis are also divided, because when Israel is in 95
became editor of the agreement, an Orthodox Jewish assassin (or
parallel?) shot the prime minister. And then the whole business has been shut down.
Kettosjatekot Arafat is playing up the money taken from the west, and then
In 2000, when it should have been based at Camp David to write the agreement –
where it is received in the desert to Palestine, to compensate for
cult to progress – then folded back to school Arafat, while it encouraged
the military actions as well. So, another source of trouble, no one trusts
The Golan trips I talked about this with the Israelis, who have
characterized themselves as friends to each other when you were talking
it is loud (arrogantly) account, so how could the
against peace with, talking quietly, when the love and understanding
each half is missing? …

The real problem is that to him that Israel’s de facto own
large areas, the West Bank (West Bank) and Israel only
Are you interested in the area, nothing else. The only population
kornyezetszennyezodesnek matters.
Thus, Palestine – Israel ‘kozfoldjei “- then this means that
West Bank (Palestine) Izreael filings. What is de facto true
this award is only recognition of the facts. This is completely
logically raises the question of whether the West Bank if Israel filings
then why are not Israeli citizens who live there? Hope is not the
answer that because only the Palestinians living in the West Bank
If the answer is that Israel’s West Bank is not filing the
Negyzetmilimiter West Bank, a fold can not be a “public
kozfold “over which Israel has. (And distributing the settlers –
and otherwise they will lose on their own)
This is to say that Israel is playing a double game play, one
at the time it acts as a sovereign power in the West Bank
masreszt the residents there do not consider the citizens. (No
citizens) Paradox.
The only solution is the recognition of the fact that the de facto
Jordan folytol Foldkozi sea partajaig up the country (St.
fold) Everyone has the right to be equal.

Oh, southern Lebanon was occupied for safety reasons, as the
67es war they were doubling their country megelozeskeppen
the size. Romania did not do much better. There is also the high places, Israel
tamaszpontok what the Hezbollah attack, Israeli gun shoots all the sulphone
villages situated below.
1978, the UN kiurittetesre (extract high) took Israel who
Of course this ignores is thrown. And now we pay to the United Nations troops
kordaban to keep the massacres.

There are some prices may be successful beyond the Palestinians, for example. the wife of King Jordan
(A beautiful and intelligent woman), Prime Minister of Belize Said Musa – at
Palestinian, but an Austral minister in parliament as well dan
Palestinians boast of ancestry.

Return to the en tortenetemhez, the exodus was a little easier, because the
Arabs were recruited in-zone, Red felhold car or what not
had to wait long in the ell. point, then I got a B-zone
places where settler entity stoppjat lestoppoltam them, so a
singer got the site Zone C (clear feeling about Tarkovsky), so
the same as that which I also did ellenorzoponton (eg, blue-eyed Russian
immigrants), and I got out of the carriage gate.

Back to Israel. Which means a lot of car but do not stop. It
tesvereiknek not orthodox, so the first elgyalogoltam csomopontig where
added a violin player (plays music in the opera house), much of the six
felelmekrol’s batorsagrol.
Oh darn it meeg an additive in Israel, not me SG
stoppolni difficult as the only male, but an Indian They grow well. The
bus stop talking about this, darn said in vain, they (Jews)
do not hire anyway. But o no. Here, it / working on trying to
often. If you ask people, he was a kid in the car, then
said there is no space. CSK or not sped down the window, or
turned their faces to the nitty / itchy infectious hitchhikers, etc.
breath even touch them. But we got t-utan 13km half Nazareth 05.03
hours, the still image is already hung on my shoulder, you can
better inclusion of foreigners. You can not. That there is this racism? Who
do you know? But we have to change Hippies, Rainbow faces and dreadlocks who
save the situation. They are the future. It’s just ok too
marginalize. Bring examples of Arabic terorristak is already 2szer
stop kidnapped Israeli post, it was accepted, and kidnapped. Well yes,
but it may not have single crime? Well darn it en
alone, I could be marinated.

N-3 times I was a Purim party, – in carnivals, everyone is dressed, good
mood, drinking very moderate compared to Eastern Europe, and the parties
usually end with explosive speed. I’ve been in couples.
No decay of the thing .. just yourself but everyone will
with 20 minutes to empty the apartment.
Then it rained for a few days, watching movies, then nekirugaszkodtam
Nazareth is so. Par also Roman remains have been my way, jumped
Jerusalem Purim party to another, and then down south again. Kibbutz-
I, 71-year-old kibbutz, though only the Brandeis moved because we have 3 places
They were now an industrial plant, with decent home gardens, to remove
community buildings, and have all toll service,
laundry, autohasznalat, … and so people buy it for themselves elkedtek
as an individual … is not it good for the consumer society with the industrial
elite. But of course, no one asks the raccoons.
Israel is also interesting that the business is written in semi
Arabic, although a significant proportion of the Arab population.
But many of the prison, and as we are not hiding, but the main road
exposing the edge of imprisonment memento … .. always come in handy in a
a possible hostage-prisoner cserefeltetelnek …

Well I hope everyone feels better after Mo-n, not defined
Kisses for everyone
Gabor – vandorboy

If you are a lighter .. We recommend a short performance Mayumana

themselves in a difficult if:

Gordon: Israeli occupation …

Új! Kattintson a fenti szavakra más fordítások megtekintéséhez. Elvetés

About the author

Világlátott, világjárt, jártas a világban, mert világot járt.
Alternatív világjárás, alternatív világlátás.
155 ország, sok élmény, rengeteg tanulság, és végeláthatatlan történetek. Itt a blogomban.

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