Briefly about Vandorboy

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vandorboy - stoppos lét
vandorboy – stoppos lét

Alternatív world travel, alternatív worldview



My name is Gabor Csonka, backpacker-traveller- thinker- tour organiser- travel adviser.

I have traveled 22 years extensively and completely independently across 140 countries on this planet, on as low budget as possible, motivated to discover the real world and its people.

1- ARS POETICA– Briefly you can read here about my philosophy and the way I travel.

Stoppolás mint életmód és filozófia
Stoppolás mint életmód és filozófia

2 – Buddhizm and traveling –  Interjú velem  – fast way to get to know more about my inspirations, motivations.

3 – If you want to know more sophisticated about me: (but this is google translater..not good)   ezt mindenképpen olvassad el

4 – MY CV,  önéletrajzom

5 –  In radio programs: meghallgathatsz

6 – My publications, amiket írtam,

Alternatív világjárás és világlátás
Alternatív világjárás és világlátás

7 – I was activ more then 9 years in travel communities, f.e. Servas, and couchsurfing így nézek ki

If you agree with my world view, my philosophy… you can support me. There is many alternative way to do so: amiket itt láthatsz.

But the best way to join one of my tours, and get to know me better in life, face to face: alternatív módon utazni velem.

Or you can donate by paypall, on the right part of my website main page. 🙂


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